Keystone PM: @Nelson Ryan

Copilot: @Dermot


As part of PNF’s ambition for Pocket to have the institutional rails expected of a blue-chip token, one of these goals is to secure a tier 1 exchange listing for POKT. A tier 1 exchange listing for POKT can help improve liquidity of POKT, improve the perception of Pocket, but also make it easier for community members, node runners and developers to access POKT.

We need to think about liquidity in terms of both breadth (accessibility for the broadest possible number of individuals and group) as well as depth (liquidity).


Our objective securing a tier 1 listing is to help achieve the following:

Given the limited liquidity of POKT at the moment, a tier 1 listing is of critical importance to ensure we can maintain open access to POKT and to reduce the friction for new node runners or developers in accessing POKT while also potentially expanding the Geographical reach of POKT’s financial rails.


In pursuing a new listing for POKT, we follow the following priorities:



Given the current market cap and liquidity of POKT in the current market environment, exchange may have a negative perception of Pocket’s standing in the market and demand for POKT in the market. While prices have fallen considerably over the past 24months, we feel Pocket has made considerable progress with a number of positive developments in the works which may help win over the right exchange partner.


Given the price of POKT has fallen considerably, PNF has less resources today to spend on new listings and associates marketing costs, however given the current market environment there is also less competition for listings from other projects at the moment.